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Breaking Free from the Nightmare: Embracing Professional Development

Oct 22, 2024

Today, let's tackle the final blog in my October series of "Scary Trends in Education." This  topic that's been haunting classrooms for far too long - the nightmare of teachers facing a lack of relevant professional development and invigorating professional learning communities. But fear not, because I have the antidote to this chilling scenario: surrounding yourself with like-minded, growth mindset teachers, and constantly evolving!

 The Nightmare of Stagnation

 Picture this: a teacher, passionate about their craft, eager to grow and evolve, but trapped in a professional development wasteland. They attend workshops that feel disconnected from their reality, webinars that barely scratch the surface, and meetings that seem to go nowhere. It's like trying to navigate a dark forest without a map.

To make matters worse, the lack of an invigorating professional learning community can make a teacher feel like a lone wolf in a barren landscape. The camaraderie, unity, the exchange of ideas, the collective pursuit of excellence - all seemingly out of reach.

The true sadness here, is that many of us as educators don't have to envision this at all. Instead, this is what we live everyday when it comes to professional development. It seems like Professional Development has become a simple check-off box instead of it's intended purpose, to help teacher to become stronger to move student learning and achievement. 

 The Antidote: Like-Minded Growth Mindset Teachers

But here's where the light breaks through the clouds. Surrounding yourself with like-minded, growth mindset teachers can be a game-changer. It's like finding fellow adventurers in that dark forest, armed with lanterns and a shared sense of purpose.

 These teachers aren't content with the status quo. They're hungry for growth, eager to try new strategies, and open to learning from their experiences. They're the kind of comrades who lift you up when you stumble, challenge you to think outside the box, and celebrate your victories as if they were their own.

If you haven't guessed it already, many of these teachers are those within the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). This organization is like your guiding star in the night sky, leading you towards excellence in your teaching practice. Through rigorous assessments and reflective exercises, NBPTS empowers you to delve deep into your teaching methods, helping you evolve from a good teacher to an extraordinary one. Component by component, the NBPTS certification process encourages you to not only meet the standards but to exceed them. It's about pushing your boundaries, constantly seeking ways to improve, and ultimately, providing your students with the best education possible. 

So, friends, let's banish the nightmare of stagnant professional development and isolation in our teaching journey. If you are interested in becoming a National Board Certified Teacher, and join those with like minded professionals. Within my coaching programs, I offer add on LIVE coaching, which will help answer your specific questions around the NBPTS process and help implement these ideas in your very own classroom. This will be among the best Professional development you will have directly tailored to you and your needs, regardless of if you are an Initial NBPTS Candidate or a Maintenance of Certification (Renewal) NBPTS candidate.