The Journey to Excellence: Sarah’s Story of Success with NBPTS Coaching

I have always been passionate about education. Having walked the path of becoming an accomplished National Board Certified Teacher myself, I knew the hurdles, the sleepless nights, and the countless hours of dedication it took to achieve this prestigious certification. I also understood the transformative power it had on my teaching and my students' success. Now, I’m on a mission to help others achieve the same at

Let’s meet Sarah, a dedicated teacher with a burning desire to elevate her professional skills and impact her students more profoundly. She had recently embarked on the challenging yet rewarding journey of becoming a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT). However, she quickly realized that the path was strewn with challenges - complex components, rigorous assessments, and the overwhelming feeling of doing it all alone. Sarah’s enthusiasm began to wane. She needed guidance. She needed someone who had been there, done that, and could coach her along the way. That’s when she stumbled upon my YouTube channel and website -

A Beacon of Hope

Through my website, Sarah found a comprehensive suite of courses and LIVE Zoom based coaching Think Tanks that are designed to guide initial NBPTS candidates through the process seamlessly. Sarah eagerly enrolled, and her journey of transformation began.

*New Candidate Academy

Sarah chose to begin the process in the summer before the portfolios were due in May of the next calendar year. This 5 week live academy with a master coach supported Sarah’s early mindset shift around what it means to be a candidate, writer, and reflective practitioner for the NBPTS process. She understood the value of knowing how to use the rubrics and became one with her standards. Although this academy is optional (and only hosted June, July, and August each year), it is a great choice for teachers that like to know the “whole process” before breaking it down into parts - not all minds think this way!

Component 4: Assessment Drives Instruction Course & Think Tank

As I recommend, Sarah began with Component 4 - understanding how assessment drives instruction. The course not only provided her with in-depth knowledge but also an opportunity to join the Think Tank cohort where she could brainstorm, share ideas, and gain invaluable insights from fellow candidates and me, the master NBCT coach. She completed her C4 portfolio in manageable pieces and felt confident in her work.

Component 3: Teaching & Learning Course & Think Tank

As I recommend, she delved into Component 3 next, where she explored the intricacies of teaching and learning. It was more than just theory; it was a practical guide filled with real-world applications to student-centered learning, scope and sequence in lessons and offering feedback to students for greater learning potential. The add-on Think Tank sessions became her sanctuary - a place to refine her ideas and gain the confidence she needed with her peers in the cohort group within the Think Tank.

Component 2: Differentiation in the Classroom Workshop

Sarah’s teaching philosophy was forever changed by the Differentiation in the Classroom Workshop. She learned innovative strategies to meet her students’ diverse needs, making her classroom a vibrant and inclusive learning environment.

Component 1: Content Knowledge Workshop

Sarah focused on content knowledge, and she learned what content was crucial to know. The Content Knowledge Workshop provided her with the tools and confidence to showcase her expertise effectively at the testing center.

Sarah chose to follow the “All In” experience that I talk about on my YouTube channel. However, not all candidates choose the “All In” route for their journey through NBPTS. Whether Sarah chose all components in one year or Take One or Two a year, each course or workshop at is crafted to tackle the exact challenges faced by NBPTS candidates. It really did help her get off the struggle bus and find joy in the process of professional growth. The courses and workshops walked her through learning the NBPTS standards and using them to craft lessons plus meet the rubrics for each component. The papers were almost writing themselves from the templates used for brainstorming in the courses.

Think Tanks & Tribes: The Heartbeat of Tracey’s Programs

The real magic happened during the Think Tank Live Zoom meetings for Component 3 and 4. My personalized coaching sessions were a game-changer for Sarah. Each meeting was meticulously designed to address specific questions tailored to unique needs of members of the Think Tank cohort. Sarah said, “Tracey’s friendly and supportive demeanor made me feel understood and empowered. The Think Tank sessions and my involvement with other candidates in Tracey’s Tribe on Facebook transformed my anxiety into action and my doubts into determination.”

The Result: A Transformed Teacher

With each course, workshop, and coaching cycle, Sarah’s skills were honed, her confidence soared, and her teaching practices evolved. Sarah’s story is just one of many. I am proud to be a beacon of hope for countless teachers embarking on the NBPTS certification journey as I offer expert guidance, a supportive community, and tailored resources for teachers to make the journey not just manageable, but FUN.

It’s Your Turn: Commit fully to your vision and goals.

If you, like Sarah, are ready to embark on a journey to excellence, look no further than Join my programs and transform your teaching practice. Let me guide you through the process, one step at a time, ensuring you not only achieve your certification but also enrich the lives of your students.

What’s the scope and sequence recommended at

  • New Candidate Academy (only offered June, July, and August) - Optional
    1. Component 4: Assessment Drives Instruction Course & Think Tank 
    2. Component 3: Teaching & Learning Course & Think Tank 
    3. Component 2: Differentiation in the Classroom Workshop
    4. Component 1: Content Knowledge Workshop

Good news! Enrollment at is always open, therefore you can make your plan of action and join the courses or workshops as you need them. No reason to overwhelm yourself all at once or break the bank. I can’t wait to see you on the inside!

Hugs to you! Let’s grow big together,



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